Join us on Friday, April 11, 2025, for a one-day I’m a Blue Devil! Day program, especially for enrolling Early Decision and QuestBridge students and two guests.
I’m a Blue Devil Day
Friday, April 11, 2025
Duke University, Durham, NC
** The April 21 Blue Devil Days program is now open for Early Decision and QuestBridge students. The event for April 11 has reached capacity. Both programs follow the same schedule of events. Access your Choose Duke! Portal to register.
For event information, visit your CHOOSE DUKE! PORTAL HERE.
We look forward to sharing with you Duke’s energy and community spirit, as well as the breadth and depth of academic and co-curricular opportunities available to Duke students. Meet your classmates and other Duke students and learn about:
- Academic programs in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences and the Pratt School of Engineering
- Signature opportunities like Focus, DukeEngage, Bass Connections, Undergraduate Research and more
- QuadEx and the first-year experience
- East and West Campus tours
Questions? Please email BLUEDEVILDAYS@DUKE.EDU or call 919-684-3214.
Visitor Accommodation Requests: Duke University encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing accommodations to participate in our events, please contact Idella Hackett at UNDERGRAD-ADMISSIONS@DUKE.EDU or 919-684-3214 in advance of your participation.
*Dates for Regular Decision Blue Devil Days and Cultural Affinity programs will be announced in late March, at the time of Regular Decision release.